Creating a new future together!

Ukrainian Down Syndrome Organization - an association of parents of children with Down syndrome that has been working as a charity organization since 2003. Our mission is to promote the improvement of the life quality and the formation of a new future for children and adults with Down syndrome and their families in Ukraine. Helping such people and children spreads universal human values among our society. A child with the syndrome can be born in any family - regardless of the social status, education and financial status of the parents. We emphasize this issue and thus help the society to be ready, tolerant and aware. We professionally provide social, psychological, rehabilitation, and informational assistance to such children and their families on the highest level.
In the future, we see people with Down syndrome integrated into society, with equal rights and opportunities. Society should be free of stereotypes and prejudices, accept and support each of its members instead. All spheres of human life should be more flexible and able to ensure equal rights and educational opportunities for every person without discrimination and contempt, and society should adapt the existing cultural, physical, and organizational standards to the needs of people with disabilities.
Our organization deals with and gains international experience on the issues of including and integrating people with Down syndrome to socially active life by means of its membership in the European Down Syndrome Association (EDSA) since October 2011 and Down Syndrome International (DSI) since August 2014.
Our activity is transparent and public, and our report in the year 2015 is included in the All-Ukrainian rating of charitable initiatives by the Ukrainian Forum of Philanthropists.
All the activities of the Organization are possible thanks to the financial support of caring people, charitable foundations, business representatives and our participation in grant project competitions.
